Thursday, June 2, 2011

Bucket List Project #1: Bleached T-shirt

Yay, I am so excited about my new series.  I am going to be getting so much done this month!  My first project was super easy & didn't require anything that I didn't already have at home.  I first saw this project here on Under the Sycamore.  My 2 year old I was not ready for my 2 year old to be given a squirt gun with bleach in it.  You should check out her post... great photography & lots of fun!
Here is my recap of my project.

1. I traced different shaped cookie cutters onto freezer paper which I cut out
2. and ironed to the front of a cheap blue T-shirt I bought for $1 at Walmart!
2. I also put a layer of freezer paper inside the shirt the bleach wouldn't bleed through the shirt
3. I used an old squirt bottle to pour about a cup of bleach into...I wanted to be able to throw it away once this project was over.

I took the shirt to my front porch and hung it on the railing with some heavy canned veggies.  Then squirted the front, making sure to saturate the area around the freezer paper stars.

Then I rinsed the shirt in a tub in my sink and threw it in to a washer that was already full of soap and water and ready to agitate.

My second shirt I bought at a yard sale for almost nothing.  I decided to try a different technique.  I used a plastic cookie cutter that I stole from my son's play dough stash.  I used the small end of the Bleach Pen and wrote out RAWR means I Love You.  Then, pressing firmly on the cookie cutter, I filled in the edges with bleach.  I let this soak in for about 5 minutes then took it to my sink & rinsed it really well with the sprayer.  Then washed in the washing machine.  (Please note that I also put freezer paper inside shirt to keep the bleach from soaking through)

My little man wearing his new shirt:

Check back Saturday for my next Bucket List project!

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  1. These are sooo cute! This looks like a fun and easy project : ) Love it!
    Jaimee @

  2. They turned out cute! What a cool series-- I'm excited to see what you cross off your list next.

  3. these turned out great! too cute! looking forward to seeing your next project!

  4. I have this on my to-do list... Maybe while the babes sleep this afternoon?!?!? I love the idea of using the freezer paper stencil.

  5. Cute! I've never seen this before. Off to check out the tutorial.

  6. What a fun idea! Thanks for sharing. And your pictures are great!

  7. I love, love, love this idea!!! Thanks so much for sharing!

  8. Those are really cute! What a clever idea. :)

  9. wow,goo job, it looks very cool.I also like the t shirt.
